Food and Flavours is an Italian company that researches innovations in food and beverage industry and not only. 

Thanks to our great team of engineers, food technologists and specialized consultants, Food & Flavours is able to research and identify the molecules inside natural products and to scale up technologies and formulas for aromas extraction from lab to industry.  

Another important project supported by the company is the study of chemical-physical properties in products from food & beverage industry, searching for new possible applications looking at circular economy concepts. 

As our name suggests, we are focused on the study and commercialization of aromas applied to several fields as food, cosmetics and environment design industry. 

Food and Flavours engineering goal is to find the process to extracting nutraceutical substances without any impact on the quality of the main product. 

Food and Flavours is born in Italy, more specifically in Emilia Romagna, where the care for taste, beauty and pursuing excellence are always the priority.