
Hesperidin to be tested against COVID-19

Hesperidin to be tested against COVID-19 The National Institutes of Health’s National Centre of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) recently announced plans to evaluate the clinical efficacy of hesperidin against COVID-19. Orange juice and sweet oranges contain hesperidin. NCBI referred to hesperidin as “an old herbal medicine … used to treat vascular diseases in Europe and Australia and distributed with vitamin C as a dietary supplement in the USA. “Hesperidin is a promising drug candidate for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19,” NCBI continued. “Hesperidin interferes with viral entry through ACE2 receptors, improves the host cellular immunity, minimizes the release of inflammatory mediators and its mixture protects against venous thromboembolism.” NCBI stated that “Hesperidin is a common flavone glycoside found in citrus fruit such as lemons and sweet oranges. Hesperidin has several pharmacological activities such as antiatherogenic, antihyperlipidemic, antidiabetic, venotonic, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive actions. The anti-inflammatory activity of hesperidin was mainly attributed to its antioxidant defence mechanism and suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokine production.” Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Executive Director Shannon Shepp reacted to the planned study: “We are aware of the recent study related to hesperidin and COVID-19. The Florida Department of Citrus is not currently involved in or planning any research related to COVID-19 but continues to monitor developments on the topic. Current research shows that 100 per cent orange juice provides a variety of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, including hesperidin, that when consumed daily can help support a healthy immune system. “Recent clinical studies supported by FDOC continue to reinforce the broad potential benefits of plant compounds with antioxidant-like properties, like hesperidin and carotenoids, found in 100% orange juice. Further studies on hesperidin, which is highly concentrated in citrus and rarely found in other foods, are necessary to learn more about its role in the diet.”

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